Lead times from the factory right now?

Pretty sure my new Bronco (2-door Big Bend with manual transmission) went into production on 9/30. The site says manufacturing should only take a few days, but it’s been longer than that. Anyone got a rough idea of how long it usually takes from production start to delivery? Refreshing the page constantly is driving me nuts, lol.

Edit: Just checked the site again! Got a delivery estimate of 2-3 weeks now!

That’s tough to answer because there are so many variables. If the vehicle doesn’t get held up for any issues at the plant, it could make it to the dealer within a month.

That’s assuming everything is running smoothly with no logistics problems.

What do you mean by ‘issues at the plant’?

Lane said:
What do you mean by ‘issues at the plant’?

I mean quality holds. If the vehicle might have a defect, they’ll hold it until they’re sure. Do you have your VIN yet?

You’ll probably get it this month.

Vance said:
You’ll probably get it this month.

Don’t get my hopes up like that! Haha

Lane said:

Vance said:
You’ll probably get it this month.

Don’t get my hopes up like that! Haha

You might not even get an update when it ships. Ford’s tracker isn’t great. It could already be on its way. Do you have the VIN? I might be able to check it for you.

I’ll DM it to you.

Lane said:
I’ll DM it to you.

Sorry, I can’t help with that. But I still think you’ll see it this month, maybe early November depending on your distance from the plant. 3-4 weeks is typical.

Literally just checked again and the page updated! Says it’s built and I’ve got a delivery window now!

I ordered mine in February, it was built in late May, and I got it a week later.

Jess said:
I ordered mine in February, it was built in late May, and I got it a week later.

A week after it started being built or after it was finished? How long was it in production?

It took about two weeks. It was done on May 30, and I picked it up on June 6.

I’m in the same boat! I ordered my 2-door Sasquatch Badlands on August 14, and it’s been ‘in production’ since 9/30 like yours. I’ve been refreshing the page constantly too, haha.

Vic said:
I’m in the same boat! I ordered my 2-door Sasquatch Badlands on August 14, and it’s been ‘in production’ since 9/30 like yours. I’ve been refreshing the page constantly too, haha.

Mine’s a Sasquatch too, forgot to mention that. Did yours also say it was scheduled for 10/2 but then went into production early?

Mine was scheduled to go into production the week of 9/30. Then they sent me a message saying it was pushed to the week of 10/7, but halfway through the week of 9/30, the status changed to ‘In production.’ So I think they got to it early. It’s been ‘In production’ for 5 business days now.

I ordered mine on 8/26, and it’s already on the way to me. You should ask your salesperson to sign you up for notifications via VINView. They’ll send you constant text updates like this one I got:

'You have a real-time update from VINView on a VIN you set up alerts for. Please see the update below:

Product Type: 2024 FORD Bronco
Intelligent ETA to Dealer: 17/10/2024 12:16
Update: Start transit timer (StartTransitTimer)
Event Time: 05/10/2024 07:16’

Make sure to ask your dealer about it!

Be careful with that link—it shows your phone number. I’d delete it just to be safe.

Ziv said:
Be careful with that link—it shows your phone number. I’d delete it just to be safe.

Thanks, I edited it!

I ordered mine a whole month before yours and it’s still not here. Guess Ford just doesn’t like me, lol. Thanks for the VINView tip. I’ll ask my dealer about getting signed up for that.