Hey everyone, I’m up here in southern Ontario watching the news about Florida getting hit with two hurricanes back-to-back. It’s wild! How are you all doing down there? Hope everyone made it through alright.
I’m in Sarasota, and my Bronco was parked on the top floor of a parking garage. Came out just fine!
I’m over on the west coast in Naples. No damage or power loss where I live. Thanks for checking in.
I’m on the east coast of central Florida, and everything’s good here. I kept my Bronco in the garage and checked on it more than I probably needed to. But the storm has passed, and things are calming down. A lot of debris from trees and some roof damage around the neighborhood, but nothing major.
I’m in Winter Garden, doing just fine. My Bronco sat in the apartment lot with no issues. Still running great!
Glad to hear from you all. It’s been nerve-wracking just watching the news, so I can’t imagine how stressful it must have been being there not knowing how bad it would get.
Pace said:
Glad to hear from you all. It’s been nerve-wracking just watching the news, so I can’t imagine how stressful it must have been being there not knowing how bad it would get.
Honestly, I don’t think the people dealing with power outages or garage damage are scrolling through the forum right now.
All good here! Lots of trees down, but our power stayed on, and I was able to work from home. Just took the Bronco out for a drive around town, and besides the fallen trees and some places without power, everything seems back to normal.
East Central Florida here. Kept my Bronco in the garage, and it’s doing just fine
These Broncos are practically amphibious. She’ll be fine!
I don’t live in Florida anymore but spent 16+ years there. We went through storms like this regularly, but the media really hypes them up now. I’ve got some friends still there, and they say they’re safe. A lot of trees down, but inland didn’t get hit too bad. Not sure how the coast is holding up.
Anyone selling hardtops?