T-boned… could have been worse

It was a beautiful day in Charleston, SC, so I took off the front two top panels and went for a nice drive to lunch. Everything was great until the drive back when, unfortunately, I got t-boned by a car pulling out of a gas station from the opposite side of the road.

The Bronco held up really well, and thankfully, everyone is okay. This is my first real accident, and insurance has me set up with a body shop appointment on Tuesday. In the meantime, I’m wondering if it’s safe to keep driving it. The damage doesn’t seem structural, but I’m not sure. Should I be concerned about anything?

Glad you’re okay. I have the same spec as yours and it’s good to see it held up well. What kind of car hit you and how fast was it going? No airbags? Should be fixable… probably just a new door and some work on the jam. Check underneath for any frame damage just to be safe.

Appreciate it! It was a Toyota Camry, maybe around 20 mph. Airbags didn’t go off, barely felt it.

Freddie said:
Appreciate it! It was a Toyota Camry, maybe around 20 mph. Airbags didn’t go off, barely felt it.

Not that I’m looking forward to getting t-boned, but it’s good to know these hold up well! Glad your Bronco isn’t totaled. Hope the repairs go smoothly, keep us posted!

Good to hear you’re okay. Looks like the Bronco did what it was supposed to.

Any idea what the repair bill is gonna look like?

Raleigh said:
Any idea what the repair bill is gonna look like?

Curious about that too. If insurance is covering it and you have a $1000 deductible, I’d guess somewhere between $1500 and $5000. Hard to say without knowing what all needs to be fixed.

I’ll update next week once I hear back!

Hope everything’s alright.

Glad you’re okay. My Black Diamond Sasquatch got totaled last year… only had 3600 miles on it.

Eli said:
Glad you’re okay. My Black Diamond Sasquatch got totaled last year… only had 3600 miles on it.

Man, that sucks. Sorry to hear that.

Freddie said:

Eli said:
Glad you’re okay. My Black Diamond Sasquatch got totaled last year… only had 3600 miles on it.

Man, that sucks. Sorry to hear that.

Thanks, appreciate it.

Glad you and everyone else are alright. Wonder if rock rails would’ve made a difference? Been trying to find some for my 2-door but they’re hard to come by.

Harlyn said:
Glad you and everyone else are alright. Wonder if rock rails would’ve made a difference? Been trying to find some for my 2-door but they’re hard to come by.

Been wondering the same thing.

Glad you’re safe. Hopefully the repairs are easy. I installed some heavy-duty steel rock sliders on mine… not sure if they’d help in a hit like this, but at least they stop parking lot dings!

Kel said:
Glad you’re safe. Hopefully the repairs are easy. I installed some heavy-duty steel rock sliders on mine… not sure if they’d help in a hit like this, but at least they stop parking lot dings!

Been putting that off forever. Definitely getting some now.

Man, that sucks.

Can’t have anything nice…

That’s rough.

Did you check underneath for frame damage?